This Week:
HATCHED! - Launching a New Nation [1789-1800]"Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives."
John Adams
Our first President, George Washington, established a precedent how U.S. Presidents have acted throughout history. All Presidents (except FDR) have honored two term presidencies, all Presidents place their hand on the Bible when giving their oath to the office, and all Presidents strive to uphold the Constitution (even if we don't always think they are doing so)......even our second President, John Adams, tried to uphold the Constitution...but did he really with the Alien & Sedition Acts? We will see...
Be ready to know the first 33 PRESIDENTS! - make sure you know their names (first and last)!
Here's the sheet if you need it again.
Someone was asking for the PRESIDENTIAL RAP song. Here it is...
# 18 - George Washington - is due next Monday.
THIS WEEK we will hold the THIRD EXPEDITION COMPETITION...the questions will cover the PACIFIC COAST, ROCKY MOUNTAIN and SOUTHWEST regions...and [you guessed it] your get ready!
We will finish up one report on OKLAHOMA....then get our questions ready...
Are you getting closer in figuring out WHAT Kelvin is and WHERE he is?
Here's the sheet if you need it again.
Someone was asking for the PRESIDENTIAL RAP song. Here it is...
# 18 - George Washington - is due next Monday.
- QUESTIONS - try and read the reading FIRST!!!
If you want to work ahead click here for the next reading link, and here for the next questions link. READ THE READING before you complete the questions.
THIS WEEK we will hold the THIRD EXPEDITION COMPETITION...the questions will cover the PACIFIC COAST, ROCKY MOUNTAIN and SOUTHWEST regions...and [you guessed it] your get ready!
We will finish up one report on OKLAHOMA....then get our questions ready...
Are you getting closer in figuring out WHAT Kelvin is and WHERE he is?